Cinco Características del Defensa Central Moderno

Cinco Características del Defensa Central Moderno

Ricardo Bejarano

Ricardo Bejarano

Writer & Blogger

En esta entrada vamos a hablar del defensa central en términos generales, ya que siendo más profundos en el juego tendríamos que hablar de “dos roles” fundamentales como los son el libero y el stopper, donde cada uno tiene diferentes obligaciones. Por eso, vamos a tocar en un modo genérico las cinco características principales que debe tener el defensa central moderno.


Aunque en líneas generales el defensa central sigue cumpliendo las responsabilidades que tradicionalmente tiene su puesto, la evolución del fútbol lo ha llevado a hacerse con un peso muy importante en fase ofensiva. En fase defensiva su duelo siempre va estar con el delantero centro o los jugadores que intervengan en zonas interiores; su misión principal es proteger el área de su equipo y con ayuda del arquero mantener el arco en cero. Además, de los fundamentos individuales que trae la demarcación de defensa central.


Por biotipo, los defensas centrales son jugadores altos, fuertes y rápidos, con un excelente juego aéreo y capaces de interceptar los pases. Pero con el paso de los años la interpretación se ha convertido en el ítem principal para un defensa central: intuir la jugada es eso que te hace más rápido. Lectura de juego. Así que vamos a ver las cinco características que debe tener un defensa central moderno.


  1. Juego aéreo: Es tan importante lo que se hace antes del impacto como el golpeo mismo. La velocidad y la potencia del salto son fundamentales, un buen posicionamiento y no perder nunca de vista la marca hace que el balón no vaya a sobrar al defensor en esta acción de juego.
  2.  Agresividad en el duelo:  Agresividad no entendida desde ir con fuerza desmedida contra el rival.  Si no, desde no permitir que el rival gire y quitarle tiempo y espacio a la decisión del atacante para que tome decisiones condicionado y ganar el duelo.
  3. Liderazgo: Como para cualquier ámbito de la vida el liderazgo es esencial para un defensa central. De hecho es una de las características intrínsecas en su posición. Para eso debe comprender los elementos elementales de una línea defensiva para organizar la línea y comunicarse con sus compañeros de manera efectiva y evitar desajustes.
  4. Interpretación: La evolución del fútbol actual ha traído las defensas adelantadas y por lo tanto defienden con mucho espacio a su espalda. Sobre todo que, para poder ejercer una buena presión alta el bloque tiene que estar lo más junto posible para no permitir una salida fácil del rival. Aquí es donde la lectura de juego o interpretación se convierte en un valor de suma importancia para el defensa central. Al defender a velocidades encontradas o tener que girarse para correr hacia atrás, estar bien perfilado e intuir un segundo antes el movimiento del atacante la defensa de la zona se va a facilitar. Interpretar es anticipar.
  5. Juego en ataque: Habitualmente los defensas centrales reciben solos en salida de balón y en superioridad numérica frente a los rivales que presionan. Entonces, la técnica en función de ataque toma una responsabilidad enorme en la construcción del juego en fase ofensiva: la calidad en el pase para que su equipo pueda salir jugando de manera limpia y la conducción para fijar y liberar a un compañero con el fin de superar líneas rivales son altamente importantes a la hora de desconectar la estructura defensiva.


También, en el fútbol moderno y los pocos espacios que tienen los “jugadores más creativos”, los defensas centrales se han convertido en los generadores de juego buscando siempre el pase entre líneas y dibujando jugadas. Además, deben brindar cobertura ofensiva cuando se está en campo contrario con el fin de ser opción de pase cuando el rival ahoga y así mantener la posesión de la pelota.


Por último, el lanzamiento en largo es otro recurso que debe manejar un defensa central en fase ofensiva cuando se debe girar el juego, buscando al extremo contrario para dejarlo en ventaja o, ante la imposibilidad de salir limpio, buscar la espalda de la defensa rival con pases largos precisos.


En NJ Teamsterz FC sabemos las necesidades del defensa central en el fútbol de hoy, por eso, nuestro modelo de entrenamiento busca formar jugadores que estén mejor preparados para los nuevos roles que demanda el fútbol actual. 

NJ Teamsterz FC closing partnership deal with top tier Dutch Team PSV Eindhoven

NJ Teamsterz FC closing partnership deal with top tier Dutch Team PSV Eindhoven

NJ Team

NJ Team

Translated & Edited: Sibrena Stowe-Geraldino

It’s almost ’tis the season, and we took some time to promote the club and re-strategize for the upcoming season. We will announce which league(s) we will join for 2023 season, very soon. For now, I want to talk about our new plans and why.
NJ Teamsterz FC is working on closing a partnership deal with PSV Eindhoven, a Top Tier Dutch Premier club, to expand the scope of the NJ Teamsterz FC’s brand and cross pollinate youth training with PSV Eindhoven, educate, create pathways which will create visibility for youth players and coaches in Hudson, Essex, Passaic and all other neighboring Counties. 

Check out El Presidente Alex with NJ Teamsterz FC Board of Advisory Member, UEFA Assist- League Developer and PSV Eindhoven Head of International Partnership, Joost de Wit.

El Presidente Reveals Top 4 Goals for Teamsterz’ Fall 2022 Season

El Presidente Reveals Top 4 Goals for Teamsterz’ Fall 2022 Season

NJ Team

NJ Team

Translated & Edited: Sibrena Stowe-Geraldino

We are gearing up for Men’s 2022 Fall/Winter season, players and fans want to know, what to expect. We caught up with “El Presidente” Mr. Alex Geraldino to ask him for 3 goals for the players and organization.
Alex replied swiftly, and here are his top 4 objectives:
  • Continue to promote a winning organizational culture
  • Promote a, “you look good, feel good, play good” mindset
  • Promote a positive and quality playing environment
  • create further opportunity for higher visibility

Articulated like the true boss that he is, Alex has not strayed from the teams mission and goals. Structure, strong mindset and quality is what NJTFC is all about!

Click the link to sign up for Men’s 2022 Fall/Winter trials, now!


5 Power Tips To Improve Stamina For Athletes

NJ Team

NJ Team

Translated & Edited: Sibrena Stowe-Geraldino




NJ Team

NJ Team

Translated & Edited: Sibrena Stowe-Geraldino

Bayonne, New Jersey – New Jersey Teamsterz Football Club (NJTFC), a NISA provisional professional 3rd division men’s and Pro-Am women’s soccer club is an official sponsor at the 35th Annual Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party on February 12, 2022, at Sony Pictures Studios in Los Angeles, California.

This year’s theme is “Storytelling” and is the 25th anniversary of the movie “Jerry McGuire,” a biopic film based on the life of Leigh Steinberg, also filmed on Sony Pictures Studio lot.

This year’s party is the launch of NJTFC’s 2022 marketing campaign, introducing football fans to futebol, marketing, and advertising alongside the largest sporting event in the U.S., thanks in part to support from the State of New Jersey’s Travel & Tourism Division, and NJTFC sponsors Ghost Hawk Brewing Company, BCB Bank and Rehab KinetiQ.

NJTFC will brand 12 tabletops at the social area where fans can tap the QR code to learn about the club and enter to win 1 of 10 curated commemorative gift boxes made of Birchwood. Only one lucky fan will win NJTFC’s 1st tangible NFT minted by LITH Token that includes the linked physical Litty Kitty, which could be sold via auction on any Ethereum based NFT marketplace. The Teamsterz NFT includes a sustainable birchwood box alongside a matching Teamsterz crested keychain and 2 jerseys signed by both founders Sports Agent Alexsi Geraldino, an alumnus of Leigh Steinberg Sports Academy and former NFL=EFL Cornerback, and Sibrena Stowe-Geraldino, the first African-American female principal owner and operator.

“We’re excited to market NJ Teamsterz alongside someone as influential and reputable as Mr. Steinberg and we get to support social impact through charities. NJ Teamsterz is a growing organization. We’ll continue to come up with innovative ideas like our partnership with LITH Token for our 1st NFT thanks to Bosston Rob, LLC. We’ll continue to think outside of the box to grow our audience, engage with fans, bringing them to our home at Don Ahern Veterans Stadium,” says Alexsi Geraldino.

About NJ Teamsterz FC:
NJ Teamsterz FC was founded in 2017 and is a men’s and women’s pro-am developmental team organization; we’re members of the National Independent Soccer Association (NISA) and United Women’s Soccer (UWS). Our mission is to evolve as an open and multicultural soccer club, respected in the U.S. and around the world for its achievements in sports and its values which coincides with the club’s operating with the ‘Spirit of Excellence’ on and off the pitch, and contribute to fulfilling the expectations of its supporters.

About Steinberg Sports & Entertainment:
Steinberg Sports & Entertainment is a full-service athlete representation, marketing, and consulting firm. With over 80 years in the industry, SSE has guided the careers of hundreds of athletes, broadcasters, and coaches as well as consulted for corporations, charities, and entertainment properties to achieve optimal success. With a commitment to paying it forward, SSE produces several world-class events to teach the next generation of professionals.

NJ Teamsterz Collab w/LITH Token for 1st NFT Debuting @ Super Bowl Event

NJ Teamsterz Collab w/LITH Token for 1st NFT Debuting @ Super Bowl Event

Bayonne, New Jersey – New Jersey Teamsterz Football Club (NJ Teamsterz FC), a NISA provisional professional 3rd division soccer club, is excited to announce a partnership with LITH Token, a new cryptocurrency centered around sustainability and ethics in business.

NJ Teamsterz FC, Visit Hudson NJ and LITH Token collaborated to create a one-of-a-kind tangible non-transferrable token (NFT) that can only be obtained at the 35th Annual Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party 2022 on February 12 at Sony Pictures Studio in Los Angeles, California. The unique concept will be used to market the club and to promote fan engagement. “We’re excited to launch our first working product with our proprietary version of a physical NFT, by giving it away at the Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party,” said Adam Roorda, the Blockchain Architect for LITH Token, “and there’s no better partner to do it with than Sibrena and Alex.”

The exclusive NJ Teamsterz FC NFT minted by LITH Token will debut at super-agent Leigh Steinberg’s 35th Annual Super Bowl Party, as the invite-only guests will have the opportunity to win the 1st ever NJ Teamsterz FC NFT by using the QR code at selected tabletops sponsored by NJ Teamsterz FC, supported in part by a grant from NJ Department of State, Division of Travel & Tourism.NJ Teamsterz FC’s Founder & Sports Agent Alexsi Geraldino is an alumnus of Leigh Steinberg Sports Academy. Geraldino is a former NFL’s EFL-Cornerback and earned a championship ring at Frankfurt Galaxy and briefly played for Graz Giants and Stuttgart Scorpions. Marketing NJ Teamsterz FC alongside LITH Token at America’s largest sports event, at the 35th NFL Super Bowl Leigh Steinberg Event, is a dream come true. Geraldino says, “Marketing alongside LITH Token at the 35th Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party will bring great exposure to NJ Teamsterz FC by way of fan engagement at the event, we’ll bring fans into Don Ahern Veterans Stadium in Bayonne by giving away lifetime season passes and to at the same time, the social impact of giving back will make a difference to some kid. We would not have been able to do this if it weren’t for the support from the State of New Jersey’s Travel & Tourism Division.”

Partner and CEO Sibrena Geraldino added, “Alex and I have always thought outside of the box when we market our club. American football to the “original” football is a great marketing strategy. Many NFL owners invest in pro soccer teams abroad but in our case, a former professional football player – Alex Geraldino – has found a way to market our American pro soccer team with America’s biggest sport, American football. We want a piece of that market share to bring fans to New Jersey. We’re looking forward to gaining new fans and giving back to Bayonne’s Special Needs Soccer Camp and Friends of New Jersey Teamsterz FC!”

Two New Jersey-based nonprofit charities mentioned will receive proceeds from the sale of NJ Teamsterz minted NFT.

NJ Teamsterz FC will present 10 football fans with curated gift boxes made of birchwood, to include commemorative items including lifetime VIP Pass to all soccer matches, an official jersey, a birchwood key chain, and more. But only one lucky winner will receive the minted NFT that includes the linked physical Litty Kitty, which could be sold via auction on any Ethereum based NFT Marketplace. Provided this has disruptive technology attached to it, as a first version, and its collectible value could see drastic value increases over time.”

For 34 years, Leigh Steinberg super-agent, and one of the most influential figures in professional sports, has brought together leaders in athletics, business, politics, tech, entertainment, and the nonprofit world for his annual Super Bowl celebration, and for the 25th anniversary of the film, “Jerry McGuire,” as communicated by Steinberg Sports. This year’s event will be held on Sony Pictures Entertainment Studio Lot.

On par with NJ Teamsterz FC & LITH Token’s beliefs regarding social impact, Mr. Steinberg is also committed to bringing attention to brain health & wellness while honoring stories of the past, and the future, with support to the non-profit, The Lantern Network.

About NJ Teamsterz FC: (

NJ Teamsterz FC was founded in 2017 and is a men and women’s pro & developmental team organization; we’re members of the National Independent Soccer Association (NISA) and United Women’s Soccer {UWS}. Our mission is to evolve as an open and multicultural soccer club, respected in the US and around the world for its achievements in sports and its values which coincides with the club’s operating with the ‘Spirit Of Excellence’ on and off the pitch, and contribute to fulfilling the expectations of its supporters.

About LITH Token (

The LITH mission is decentralizing and incentivizing a cleaner future through cryptocurrency. The LITH Token (ERC-20 & ERC-1155) will be the cryptocurrency of choice for sustainable and socially conscious businesses to thrive. LITH utilizes blockchain technology to create an environment where all stakeholders within an ecosystem are incentivized to work together towards a common goal, creating a better world through decentralization and accountability in business.



NJ Teamsterz FC is excited to announce Ghost Hawk Brewing Company (Ghost Hawk) is the club’s new title sponsor for the fall 2021 NISA Nation season! Ghost Hawk will have premier signage on our 1st team’s uniform jersey and field placement at Don Ahern Veterans Stadium. We had a chance to chat with Clifton, New Jersey native Tom Rachelski, president of Ghost Hawk. Ghost Hawk was founded by Tom, Graphic Designer Steve Bauer, and professional brewer Chris Sheehan. Tom shared some jewels about the beer industry and more. 

NJTFC: We’re so hyped to have Ghost Hawk as our official beer partner! Tell me where you’re located and when and how you and your partners got started in the beer industry? 

Tom: We’re located in Clifton, NJ, across the street from the world-famous Rutt’s Hutt hotdog joint. I’m new to the beer industry, but a lifetime entrepreneur. Our brewmaster Chris Sheehan is a grizzled veteran, who has been brewing for close to 30 years and has 9 medals from the Great American Beer Festival (GABF). We’re fortunate to have such a talented brewer (and in my opinion a chef) on our team. 

NJTFC: How did you come up with the name, Ghost Hawk? 

Tom: The name Ghost Hawk is a tribute to our co-founders Steve Bauer’s brother Danny who passed away in 2016. He had lifelong obsession with hawks, and you can read more about the story behind our name on our website.

NJTFC: I’m sorry to hear that and glad you guys found a way to pay homage to Danny. Can you educate us on brewing beer, what ingredients go into brewing, or does it depend? 

Tom: Interestingly, the recipe for beer is very simple. There are only four ingredients: water, malted grain, hops, and yeast. Of course, there are hundreds of different types of each ingredient and depending on the mix up you can create a plethora of flavors. 


SECAUCUS, N.J. — In the early morning rain, the Teamsterz showed up against Meadowlands FC with a 4-0 win on Sunday.

Jordan MacQuarrie, who scored two goals in the first game of the season against Kearny, added two more, including the first of the game. MacQuarrie was dangerous for the Teamsterz all game, opening the field and creating scoring opportunities constantly. With four shots on goal and passing that created more, Coach Logan Kovach said “The data doesn’t lie, Jordan MacQuarrie was hands-down our Man of the Match.”

Two players, Rogger Castillo and Alec Chapoteau, were able to notch their first goals of the season with excellent individual efforts for the other two goals. 

Goalkeeper Jesus Perez earned the first clean sheet of the season, with stellar saves on every Meadowlands shot on goal.


KEARNY, N.J. — The Teamsterz continued their hot streak with a 2-1 win against New Jersey FC Reserves on Saturday.

Dan Barreira, the striker to look for prior to the game, scored for NJFC to set the Teamsterz back 1-0. But, backed by Edwin España’s two goals, one off a penalty kick, the Teamsterz were able to keep their winning streak going. Team collaboration, the biggest improvement since the start of the season according to Coach Logan Kovach, shined in the Teamsterz’ comeback victory. “From the sideline you can hear how confident & encouraging they are in/to one another through their communication, you can see it through their passing/positioning, and you can feel it in the air; the energy they bring to the pitch.” Kovach said.

“Our squad believes in themselves, in each other, & in the team.”


NJTFC Technical Coach Dennis Lukens, a UEFA ProCoach, conducted the 1st soccer trials for the fall 2021 season while Head Coach Javier and Coach Valery evaluated the players. We asked the super star UEFA Pro Coach a few questions, and this is what he had to say!

NJTFC: Tell me a little bit about your professional experience and all about your annual camps here in the USA? We heard you’ve been in Ukraine and Ireland during the pandemic.

DL: I have coached professional soccer as a Head Coach with the Boston Storm of USISL, the Bay Area Seals of USL “A” League and Technical Director for the California Cougars of MLS. I then coached the St. Lucia Olympic Team through 2008 CONCACAF Olympic Qualification Tournament. Afterwards, I served as the Selection Coach for FC Sevastopol from the Ukrainian Premier League, was Head Coach of Kherson Krystal and FC Shipbuilders of Ukraines 2nd division! I run soccer camps each summer in multiple locations focusing on elite players and their development.

NJTFC: Wow, that’s a very impressive CV! How do you know our Prezi, Alex Geraldino

DL: We met a few years ago when I began working on owning a team in the League of Ireland. Alex & Sibrena are my partners on the project.

NJTFC: You’ve spent a good 2 days with Alex & Sibrena Geraldino. I’m sure you’ve watched the Discovery Channel show “I Quit” so, tell us about your experience with them? 

DL: We had a great time together! Alex & Sibrena took great care of me as they were kind enough to invite me to stay in their home. We had a lot of laughs together, in between the work.

NJTFC: How was your 1st experience conducting trials for the club and when will you return to the USA, how can fans follow you on socials?

DL: The tryouts were absolutely great. Young players working hard and giving 100% to make the Teamsterz FC. Many players with great potential showed up. Big respect to Alex and Sibrena for putting their heart, soul and money into the Teamsterz FC. Regarding what’s next for me besides being an offical “Teamsterz” technical director, I likely will be coaching a 2nd division team in Ukraine again soon, so I expect to return 2022 plus, we (Dennis, Alex, Sibrena and partners) are still working on the Irish project. 

You can find Dennis Lukens oon socials @IrishSeasFC on IG and @IrishSeaFC1 on Twitter. We would like to thank all of our coaches for their dedication and the players for putting in that work. Stand ready to strike!

Photo Credit: Alex Geraldino